Click to start dialing the telephone number. Not available because you have not typed a number to call. To dial the telephone number and initiate a Remote Access connection to the number listed, click this button. Type the telephone number of the computer you want to call here. To save your Remote Access password as part of the Remote Access connection information, click this box. To prevent your password from being saved as part of the Remote Access connection information, click this box. Type your password here as it is registered on the computer you want to call. Passwords are case sensitive. Type the name here as it is registered on the computer you want to call. To connect to the Remote Access host without using a name and password, click this button. Lets you connect to the Remote Access host without name and password. This option is selected. To connect to the Remote Access host using a name and password, click this button. Lets you connect to the Remote Access host using a name and password. This option is selected. If you wish to change the AppleTalk name for this computer, type a new name here. If you wish to change the AppleTalk zone name for this computer, type a new zone here. To dial up a remote network via Apple Remote Access, click this tab. Lets you enter information for a new Apple Remote Access connection.